For most parts, Hitfilm 4 Express (the free professional video editing software) operates almost like Adobe Premiere Pro.
However, it’s not the same when it comes to adding titles and texts.
Being a special effects software, the text features in Hitfilm 4 Express is better than Premiere Pro, especially when creating animations.
So here’s how to add text and titles in Hitfilm 4 Express.
  1. In the Media panel, click on “New” and select “Composite Shot”.
  2. In the dialog box, ensure that the template is the same setting as your project. In my case, it’s “1080p Full HD @ PAL 25 fps”. Then click “OK”.
  3. In the Viewer panel, select the Text Tool and click anywhere inside the viewer.
  4. In the Text Properties dialog box, click “OK”. We can come back later to change any setting.
  5. Start typing inside the viewer on the blue box.
  6. Change back to Selection Tool and re-position the text box.
  7. Go to the Text Control panel to change the font, size, color, and other text properties.
  8. When the text becomes too big for the box, enlarge the box by holding and dragging the handle on the bottom right.
  9. Double-click inside the textbox to change the text. Single-click to move the text box.
  10. Go to the Editor timeline and from the Media panel, drag the Composite Shot into the timeline on the upper layer.
Playback to check. To make further changes, go back to the Composite Shot timeline.
  1. Go to the Effects panel, search for “Drop Shadow” and drag it onto the text layer in the Composite Shot.
  2. Adjust the properties of the shadow within the timeline.
  1. In the Viewer panel, select the text.
  2. Go to the Text Control panel, increase the size of the Stroke Width.
  3. Change the Stroke Color.
Going forward, we can add a text box background as well as create animated 3D titles.
I will demonstrate that in the next tutorial.
So remember to hit “👍” and “Subscribe” for more.
Feel free to comment or ask a question.
See you in Hitfilm 4 Express Tutorial #2!
Adrian Lee
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