
Showing posts from January, 2012

shooting video interviews has posted a new item, ' shooting video interviews ' Determine the Interview Style to look or not to look into the camera two-shot one-shot Wide shot or Mid shot or close up sit down or stand up Prepare the Recording Setup Camera Angle Seats Background Lighting Distractions Shoot the Video Interview Start with a two-shot of interviewer and expert. Shoot a mid shot of the expert alone when he speaks. Go to two-shot when interviewer asks a question. Keep the camcorder rolling all the way. Listen to the headphones at all times. End with wide shot of interviewer and expert. React to Murphy’s Law headphones For more info on how to video interview am expert see. What if you can you want to make it better? Another camcorder with tripod. Another wireless microphone. 2 standing lights You may view the latest post at